Purchasing Software Solutions
The process of sourcing and fulfilling an organization’s requirements for goods and services is both critical and complex. All too often it is managed on an ad hoc basis with minimal central oversight, and through cumbersome or outdated processes. This adds up to increased costs, restricted access to potential suppliers, and a higher element of risk because of incomplete information.
KPM has a suite of software solutions that help manage the full range of procurement activities more efficiently and cost-effectively, giving an organization a powerful advantage. Each component is available on a stand-alone or integrated basis. Many of the solutions can be linked to existing software.
1. SafeSurvey™
Allows users to create on line questionnaires for use both internally within their organization, as well as externally throughout the supplier community.
- Provides for spend assessments when the usual sources are ineffective
- Easy- to- use tool set up screens
- Tracks and analyzes responses
- Results/ reporting information available at all times
2. SafeDocument™
A document repository that provides the capability to collaborate on documents through an online, cloud-based tool.
- Organizes, edits, protects and tracks all documents related to sourcing activities
- Provides document sharing and collaboration options for stakeholders at multiple locations
- Facility to set access and download restrictions to ensure file security
- Cost effective alternative to enterprise content management solutions
3. SafeContract™
Automates a company’s contract process by electronically logging each agreement and capturing contract details in one database. Provides an organized approach to the handling, retrieval, and control of vendor agreements and purchasing information.
- Repository for all contracts
- Extensive search capabilities
- Issues reminder emails for renewal dates, price reviews, etc.
- Enhances risk management and regulatory compliance
- Provides better discount and rebate management
- Improves organizational efficiency
4. SafeCatalog™
Allows a company to set up internal catalogues of products and services that an employee/department might need to order on an ongoing basis.
- Customizable online ordering catalog
- One stop portal for capturing requirements
- Integrated with PO system
- Ordering control on items and vendors
- Customizable approval process
5. SafePO™
A cloud based SaaS delivered Purchase Order Management system.
- Covers the issuing of orders to receipt of goods/ provision of services (the lifecycle of orders) including approval points
- Allows for multiple levels of user access
- Provision for vendor acknowledgement
- Tracks PO status and history
- Electronic vendor communication (e-mail)
6. SafeDashboard™
A fully configurable entry point for companies to view all information and tools associated with the procurement process
- Customized snapshot for your projects, reports and KPIs
- Quick links to access other areas, software, and data bases
- A summary of achievements against targets
- Easily view how your savings initiatives are performing
- Improves productivity by setting KPIs at the individual level and monitoring performance